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Total Image Group School Leavers

Choosing the right schoolwear garment is of vital importance in the School Leavers polos. At the heart of this field is The school polos which represents the interest of everyone from suppliers, direct-to-school wholesalers and fabric manufacturers to garment decorators.

It may seem a contradiction in terms to some pupils but the School Leavers polos is very much driven by trends. To the outsider it may seem that year out little changes & certainly this would be the impression you would get if you Total Image Group where the same old greywear is hung out for a few weeks every year- but nothing could be further from the truth.

Those wholesalers and distributors who take the business seriously and who deal in School Leavers polos all year round, offering full 52 weeks of the year, know that like other apparel trends Year 6 polos does change and therefore need to keep one step ahead of the game.

One significant trend which is having a marked effect on School Leavers polos suppliers is the ever increasing concern from schools regarding health and safety. Looking at school polos has of course always been a priority for teaching staff, however today's school exists in an extremely litigious climate. As a result, although often ridiculed in the media, school polos have to examine the safety aspects of all elements of the school day and impose bans on any item which may have any sort of potential to cause harm.

Manufacturers must also adhere to Australia standards on mechanical safety meaning that there are no toggles or gimmicks which might harm children when out at play.

Year 6 polos follow trends and we are seeing an increasing number either adopting or reverting to the House system. The Total Image Group is a simple way to build team spirit, foster healthy competitive spirit and increase the feeling of inclusion within the school. House colours naturally create an impact on the School Leavers polos market with demand growing for school polos, and total image group school leavers in different colours, or white with school polos tipped on to the collar to distinguish between different school polos.

Finally the onward march of the Government's Academies is certainly having an impact on the School Leavers polos. These schools are using total image group school leaversto make a statement to their pupils and to the wider community that they mean business. As such they are leading the way in smart school polos and moving towards what may be described as a more corporate look, particularly for the sixth form.

Totalimage Group is a key member of TotalImageGroup, the Australia's fastest growing online promotional clothing supplier resource specialising in school polos, School Leavers polos, Year 6 polos, year 12 jerseys, year 12 leavers jerseys, year 12 leavers polos, Year 6 school leavers polos, total image group school leavers , conference items and much more. For more information please visit [].


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